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  • Writer's pictureMatt

Project Shadow

Updated: Mar 16, 2019

So, first blog post, what to write...

Well, I'll start by introducing a new project i'm working on called Project Shadow. This is set to be my biggest project yet and also serves as the final project for my Honours degree. It's a multiplayer stealth game, something I thought would be an interesting play on standard stealth mechanics, and involves you, the player, sneaking into various places to accomplish a variety of goals. Of course, being multiplayer, there are other players trying to achieve the exact same goals before you, so it's the classic risk/reward gameplay of having to be quick while avoiding detection.

The catch, however, is that you're not the typical 'master assassin' who can go around silently eliminating enemies left, right and centre. You are instead simply a genius, with no knowledge of how to fight. Along the way you can pick up items to craft makeshift weapons and items with to complete objectives before other players, as well as to take them out if you so wish. This only serves as a setback however, as of course the goal is not to eliminate other 'assassins'.

This idea was largely inspired by the mansion infiltration scene in Iron Man 3 shown below (1:27):

I loved the whole man-on-a-mission feel armed with nothing but a hoodie and a backpack and will be modelling my character(s) with this aesthetic in mind. I am currently working on refining the character controller and adding movement mechanics such as the cover system and crouch walking. More info soon!

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